Welcome to Gift Planning
Welcome to The Josef Gingold Fund for the International Violin Competition of Indianapolis (IVCI) planned giving website. Our gift-planning website has been created to assist you in combining your personal and family financial goals with your philanthropic goals. Charitable planned gifts offer a tremendous opportunity for you to provide valuable financial support to the IVCI while receiving a benefit in return. Using the information provided here may very well guide you in deciding the best way to provide for your heirs and accomplish your charitable and estate-planning goals. As you think about the legacy you wish to leave, we hope you will consider an everlasting relationship with the IVCI through your support of The Josef Gingold Fund.
Life Stage Gift Planner™
This feature of our website will facilitate the planning of your gift. We will bring up the issues you may be dealing with as you decide which type of gift is most appropriate given your life situation.
Read Our Planned Giving Blog
Read our latest featured topic to learn the latest news and tips on planned giving.
Sample Bequest Language
Explore the different types of bequests available for you to meet your philanthropic goals.
© Pentera, Inc. Planned giving content. All rights reserved.